Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Process of Reading

The reading process had been good for me I use to not like reading books but since we have assigned roles every week now I have got more into reading. An active strategy that I have employed is to read the book once I get home or when I do not have anything to do so like on my spare time. The ways that I have annotated the book while I am reading is that I write down questions that I have about a certain paragraph or quote. How it helped me is that it makes me want to go back in the book after I am done reading and try to find out the answer of the question I had.

Advice that I would give another reader to help them with retention and understanding of the book is to read the book when they have time and do not have any distractions at all. Also write down questions that you have about the book as you read and go back to them once you are done so you can answer them yourself, by doing that you will retain more knowledge about the book. My final advice would be to be an endeavor about the book so have the mentality to want to learn more about the book instead of just reading it because you have to.

How I made sure that I was keeping up with the assigned reading schedule is that I would try to read at least for an hour once I got home so I would not forget.

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